Wednesday 22 February 2017

My definitions of unhealthy relationships

It is not healthy if you demand to meet up every single day even when your partner is not free.
It is not healthy if either you or your partner physically, verbally and/or mentally abuse one another.
It is not healthy if you keep stalking your partners recent text messages; why are you guys in a relationship if you don't trust your partner?
It is not healthy if your partner is not allowed to speak, communicate, look, or mention someone of an opposite sex.
It is not healthy if every time meet also do nothing but make out or/and have sex only.
It is not healthy if you are insecure of your partner's actions.
It is not healthy if the relationship is full of jealousy and insecurity.
It is not healthy if you play hard to get all the time, and make your partner feel like a total sore loser.
It is not healthy if you are texting people of an opposite gender to flirt just to make your partner jealous.
It is not healthy to have mind games in a relationship.
It is not healthy to have secrets in a relationship.
It is not healthy to prioritise your idols over your partner.
It is not healthy to always expect your partner to give in to you.
It is not healthy to expect your partner to love you wholeheartedly when you are treating him/her like trash.
It is not healthy to deny the relationship instead of proudly showing your partner off like as if it is the best thing that has ever happened in your life.
It is not healthy to confess or mention break up texting.

If you're not dating to get married, you're dating to break up.

Thursday 2 February 2017

Ridhwan azman and Nicole choo (a summary of what happened)

So nicole and ridhwan broke up (again) a couple of days ago.

To break things up a little, ridhwan is a youtuber that was once from jianhao tan's youtube channel and a couple of times showcased in movies directed by some singaporeans(etc Jack neo's "ah boys to men"), while nicole choo is a blogger that many talks about ever since she got together with ridhwan.
Nicole choo is pretty much a hot gossip topic at first for wearing push ups that made her chest go from probably a 25inches to like a 35inches or something and also that the thick amount of cosmetics she puts that puts everyone in shock for realising that she is only 17(as of 2016). However, she is very confident and hence many looks up to her for that.

A couple of months back, both nicole and ridhwan lied to everyone viewing their social media platforms that nicole was carrying ridhwan's child, and make a joke later on about teenage pregnancy when they patched back, causing many to hate them.

On nicole choos blogspot, she mentioned
1) both ridhwan and her are soft hearted(self claimed most likely),
2) ridhwan physically abused her,
3) she has been seeing some other guys while they were still together,
4) ridhwan asked girls for nudes.

Let's just be honest here, if they are soft hearted, why would they behave like this to hurt their partner that they claimed they love? Why did nicole cheat on ridhwan? Why did nicole attempted to ruin ridhwan's reputation by hinting that he physically abused her? Why would ridhwan request for other's nudes?

None of them are really so called "soft hearted" Anyways in this case there are actually way too many doubts, and let's just hope that this is not another social experiment to help boost their fame.

P.s. These are of my perspective and I do apologize in advance if some of these are unreliable since I got it from nicole choo's blog.