Monday 28 August 2017

EAE- accept or reject?

Are you freaking out because you have no idea on whether to accept your EAE choices or not to? This following blog is here to help (I hope)

Firstly, ask yourself, do you really like the course that was offered for you? If no, reject the course. Secondly, ask yourself, does the course brings you to doing what you want to in the future or did you choose it a few months back just because it is a popular course? If it's purely because its popular and that you have zero interest in it, reject it. Thirdly, ask yourself again, are you able to cope in the course? As in, is it suitable for you? If you know you're not the type that can tolerate sitting in an office from 9am to 5pm and that's one of what the course offers, you may have to reconsider.

Honestly, I got rejected by my first choice. My second choice however, accepted me! Both my first and second choice allows me to be able to help people, and that's all I'm really looking for honestly. However, I am persistent in believing that the first choice will suit and interest me more, hence, I have decided to reject the second choice and take part in JAE; an exercise for me to apply courses based on my own O level's result.

Many told me, "hey don't reject that course, it's a very popular course and many people didnt manage to get in" and also "hey don't reject it, it will lead you to a very good future" but truth is, the whole point of the exercise; EAE is to get your ass into a desirable course of your choice, not plant yourself into a random course just because of its popularity or bright future.

All in all, all these factors are here to persuade you and mind blown you in an enthralling way by psychologically influence you into making choices that you might further regret in the future, hence, think of all the benefits and disadvantages and slowly consider on whether to accept or reject by seeing which eventually outweighs the other. You should ask your parents or teachers or friends for advices as well and take it into consideration too! Either ways, good luck and all the best!